Saturday, April 5, 2014
Mata Pelajaran : Bhs.Inggris
Kelas : XI SMK
Read the text carefully!
Tom : How often do you work?
Ann : Two or three times a week.
Tom : What do you make?
Ann : I practice to sew my own skirt and my blouse.
Tom : Wouw! How is it?
Ann : Not perfect. But I try hard to make it as good as possible.
Tom : Do you often attend a fashion show?
Ann : Not really. I occasionally attend a fashion show,but I always watch it on TV.
Tom : Why do you like to see a fashion show?
Ann : Because I can learn a lot of things, such as the latest style , the new innovation in fashion, and also meet other people who like fashion . One day I want to be fashion designer.
Answer the question based on the dialogue above!
1. Who are the speakers in the dialogue?
2. What are they talking about?
3. How many times does Ann make?
4. What does Ann make?
5. Does Ann always watch a fashion show on TV?
6. Does Ann always attend a fashion show?
7. Why does Ann like fashion show?
8. What does Ann want to be?
9. What does Ann do to be what she desires?
10. What do you always do to reach what you desires?
Punctuate the following text!
Christian Dior
Christian Dior is a French fashion designer, created a new “look” in women”s fashions in 1947. The new look featured long hemlines and full skirts Christian Dior was born in Granville France in 1905 he became a fashion illustrator for the newspaper le Figaro illustre. He opened his fashion salon the house of dior in Paris in 1946 and became known as the leading designer in France
Taken from the World Book Encyclopedia
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Kelas : XI SMK
Ann : Two or three times a week.
Tom : What do you make?
Ann : I practice to sew my own skirt and my blouse.
Tom : Wouw! How is it?
Ann : Not perfect. But I try hard to make it as good as possible.
Ann : Not really. I occasionally attend a fashion show,but I always watch it on TV.
Tom : Why do you like to see a fashion show?
Ann : Because I can learn a lot of things, such as the latest style , the new innovation in fashion, and also meet other people who like fashion . One day I want to be fashion designer.
Answer the question based on the dialogue above!
1. Who are the speakers in the dialogue?
2. What are they talking about?
3. How many times does Ann make?
4. What does Ann make?
5. Does Ann always watch a fashion show on TV?
6. Does Ann always attend a fashion show?
7. Why does Ann like fashion show?
8. What does Ann want to be?
9. What does Ann do to be what she desires?
10. What do you always do to reach what you desires?
Punctuate the following text!
Christian Dior
Christian Dior is a French fashion designer, created a new “look” in women”s fashions in 1947. The new look featured long hemlines and full skirts Christian Dior was born in Granville France in 1905 he became a fashion illustrator for the newspaper le Figaro illustre. He opened his fashion salon the house of dior in Paris in 1946 and became known as the leading designer in France
Taken from the World Book Encyclopedia
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